Tuesday, January 22, 2008


It's amazing that just three little letters can bring a grown man to his knees and a woman to tears. What are those three little letters you ask? IRS

Have you ever been the recipient of there confidential correspondence? I have, and it's not fun and games.

Almost eleven years ago, after a divorce I received one of those letters. That was a reality check, and what brought me to tax preparation. I've always loved accounting, and still can't believe to this day that back then I wasn't more involved in the tax preparation for my family. A long story short, my situation turned out just fine, only because I took action and didn't ignore the Internal Revenue Service.

I am amazed on a daily basis the number of individuals that do ignore the IRS, and then all of a sudden there is a lien or levy.

Recently I took a survey and was surprised by a response of a close friend he said "nothing" when I asked him what he knew about taxes. Further into the conversation he told me that he gathers all his paperwork and drops it off for preparation by a long time preparer who knows him well.

I was glad to hear that he had the good sense to use a professional, considering the number of mistakes made on self-prepared returns. But then that's a whole series in it self.

P. Harker, Tax Advisor4/Tax Prep

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